Praghas Íseal trí Factory-Direct
Oibriú le monarcha leictreonaic go díreach chun an fear lár a ghearradh amach. Bunaidh nua le praghas íseal agus lascaine
Iontaofacht Sábháilte & Cáilíochta
Córas árachais cáilíochta do cháilíocht táirgí den scoth. Comhpháirteanna Cáilíochta a sholáthar in Am, Gach Uair.
Níos mó ná 15 milliún Fardail
100+ monaróir cáiliúil domhanda, níos mó ná 15 milliún fardal. Stoc ar fáil a thacaíonn le ceannach go díreach le praghas lascaine.
Seirbhísí atá Cairdiúil do Chustaiméirí
Réiteach aon stad pearsantaithe do do riachtanais uathúla. Tacaíocht i suíomh Gréasáin 12 Theangacha, níos mó seirbhísí áise & gasta.
Carl Weller started the Weller Electric Co. in Easton, PA in 1945 with the invention of the soldering gun. He was looking for a way to service the rapidly growing radio repair market. That invention was followed by the first soldering iron in 1950, followed by the first temperature controlled soldering iron in 1976.
Weller expanded into Europe in 1959. Throughout it's history, Weller has continually developed forward looking products for the consumer and industrial markets.
Weller's commitment to technology is evidenced by the seven person R&D team, with numerous patents and awards to their credit.
The Weller University training center in Apex, NC, was established in 2007. Training is provided for over 100 people per year.
162354 Táirgí
78360 Táirgí
60681 Táirgí
2133 Táirgí
1302 Táirgí
8347 Táirgí
8219 Táirgí
136340 Táirgí
59307 Táirgí