Praghas Íseal trí Factory-Direct
Oibriú le monarcha leictreonaic go díreach chun an fear lár a ghearradh amach. Bunaidh nua le praghas íseal agus lascaine
Iontaofacht Sábháilte & Cáilíochta
Córas árachais cáilíochta do cháilíocht táirgí den scoth. Comhpháirteanna Cáilíochta a sholáthar in Am, Gach Uair.
Níos mó ná 15 milliún Fardail
100+ monaróir cáiliúil domhanda, níos mó ná 15 milliún fardal. Stoc ar fáil a thacaíonn le ceannach go díreach le praghas lascaine.
Seirbhísí atá Cairdiúil do Chustaiméirí
Réiteach aon stad pearsantaithe do do riachtanais uathúla. Tacaíocht i suíomh Gréasáin 12 Theangacha, níos mó seirbhísí áise & gasta.
General Cable is North America’s largest manufacture of wire and cable. General Cable has been an industry leader for over 170 years. Their wire and cable products help drive technologies in building, maintaining and advancing the power and information structures that connect our world. They serve customers in every major market channel, including energy, construction, industrial, specialty and communications. General Cable operates in the Americas and Europe with manufacturing facilities and engineering facilities located in these regions.
General Cables' Carol® Brand electronic cables help meet almost every spec for electronics, electrical, instrumentation and control application. The electronic cables include hook up wire, multi-conductor and paired cables and coax cables. Their specialty line of Exzel® cable provides superior flexibility and performance in industrial machine applications where highly automated processes continue to expand. General Cables' Carol Brand portable cord products provide portable power and support industrial automation applications with our superior performing rubber cords. With a Carol Brand cable you can specify with confidence the right cables for the design application.
215694 Táirgí
3095313 Táirgí
379154 Táirgí
73223 Táirgí
53318 Táirgí