Praghas Íseal trí Factory-Direct
Oibriú le monarcha leictreonaic go díreach chun an fear lár a ghearradh amach. Bunaidh nua le praghas íseal agus lascaine
Iontaofacht Sábháilte & Cáilíochta
Córas árachais cáilíochta do cháilíocht táirgí den scoth. Comhpháirteanna Cáilíochta a sholáthar in Am, Gach Uair.
Níos mó ná 15 milliún Fardail
100+ monaróir cáiliúil domhanda, níos mó ná 15 milliún fardal. Stoc ar fáil a thacaíonn le ceannach go díreach le praghas lascaine.
Seirbhísí atá Cairdiúil do Chustaiméirí
Réiteach aon stad pearsantaithe do do riachtanais uathúla. Tacaíocht i suíomh Gréasáin 12 Theangacha, níos mó seirbhísí áise & gasta.
Since 1979, TEGAM has explored methods and technology to improve the science of measurement so customers can do their job more effectively. The TEGAM team has extensive experience in designing and producing high-quality electronic and digital instruments. They offer the lowest uncertainty in microwave and RF power meters, power sensors, and calibration systems; the fastest microohmmeters, megohmmeters, and milli-ohmmeters available; precision bond meters and bond meter probes; and handheld digital thermometers and temperature calibrators such as datalogging thermometers and thermocouple thermometers that are designed to survive harsh conditions for many functions.